The application provides program support for the input, storage, retrieval and standard data processing.
During the implementation of DDD (Deratization, Disinsectization and Disinfection) measures, companies are obliged to collect data electronically. The companies collect data electronically, on each performed fieldwork, using mobile phones and PDAs, and keep computer records of all the data specified in each Program of Measures and related to the type of measurement carried out. The companies electronically submit the data collected from the PDA to the central database.
DDD companies print a standardised unique certificate on the implemented DDD measure to the users of services, on the spot with a mobile printer, and the content of the certificate is stated in the Programme of Measures. The certificate is issued in two copies, one retained by the user of the facility, and the other by the company of the DDD measure.
Professional supervision over the implementation of DDD measures is carried out by the competent authority. The competent authority submits a monthly report on the implementation of the Program of Measures and the Implementation Plan and the performed professional supervision. The report on the implementation of the Programme of Measures and the Implementation Plan and the professional supervision carried out is submitted monthly.
The system van be integrated with the existing Information Solutions at the company and with the existing information solutions used so far.
Developed application modules:
- Disinsectization, web application + mobile module
- Deratization, web application + mobile module
The system enables mobile operation in offline mode, i.e. entering data into the system without connection to the central system and temporary data storage. Data are replicated upon return from fieldwork.
The application is implemented as a Web application which the end-user can access using only the Web browser.
The system provides a complete internal role-based authentication mechanism (RBAC) based on usernames and associated passwords. People without administrator privileges cannot access data outside of the application.
The system enables:
- monitoring of mosquito broods indoors and outdoors
- recording of new broods and supplementing the list of registered litters
- monitoring of registered potential and permanent mosquito broods
- monitoring the suppression of mosquito larvae in closed and open broods
- continuous monitoring of the number of winged insects/ pterygotes
- continuous monitoring of the number of winged insects in registered hotspots
- recording the hotspots of the winged insects populations and permanent upgrades of the list of registered hotspots
- monitoring the suppression of winged insects by hot fogging and cold ULV process from the ground
The system enables the data on the performed disinsectization to be entered either directly or selected from the list: date, GPS location, habitat marker, water in the brood, developmental forms of mosquitoes in water, the Pterygota-winged insects, larvicidal suppression action performance, active substance used, adulticidal suppression action, method of performing the suppression action, amount/quantity of pesticide, the reason for not performing the suppression action.
The system enables the entry of collected data on each performed fieldwork:
name of the authorized company, the date and time of the control or repellence, GPS habitat location, mosquito habitat code, water in the brood (yes or no), developmental forms of mosquitoes in water (yes or no), the Pterygota-winged insects (yes or no), number of mosquito landings during 15 minutes, note/record, larvicidal suppression action performance (yes or no), active substance used and larvicide formulation, adulticidal suppression action performance (yes or no), method of performing the (control) action (cold dew or hot fog/cold or warm blur), a quantity of used pesticide, the reason for not performing the suppression action, repetition of adulticidal action.
The application has the ability to search the log of the infestation by key parameters:
- performed pest control
- date of performed pest control
- the presence of rodents
- material used
- call
- type of infestation
- type of facility
The application supports the production of summary reports of pest control performed with a minimum of key indicators:
- total number of visited objects
- total number of infested object
- number of infested objects with the type of infestation
- number of facilities where pest control has been performed
- number of facilities in which pest control has not been performed with explanation
- quantity of grain mecca used for residential buildings
- quantity of paraffin mecca used or residential buildings
- quantity of grain mecca used for public green areas
- quantity of paraffin mecca used for public green areas
- quantity of grain mecca used for watercourses
- quantity of paraffin mecca used for watercourses
The application enables the entry of the data collected on each performed fieldwork:
date of performed pest control, the city district, street and house number, the purpose of the building (residential, non-residential), type of building and area for non-residential facilities, presence of rodents, if present which species, amount of pest control remedy used, the reason for not performing the pest control.