Server virtualization is used to mask server resources from server users, sharing in a secure and reliable way hardware resources between the various virtual environments that exist on it.

Regardless of the diversity and complexity of the company’s information system, virtualization brings a whole host of advantages. The most obvious advantage is the process of system consolidation and the controlled growth of the number of servers in the information system.

Few VMs pointing at one system

Consolidating the system achieves significant financial advantages. Today’s x86 systems have an average percentage of the utilization of available resources (processors, working memory, and data storage systems) at a level of 10-15%, which says enough about the utilization of current resources that the user possesses.

Quality consolidation brings an increase in the utilization of available resources of 50-85%. When we transfer this to actual systems, virtualization realistically reduces the number of servers required in the system by a minimum of 3 to 5 times.

Other advantages that server virtualization brings to organizations are:

  • At the same time running different operating systems (Windows, Linux…) on the same virtualization server

  • Reduced electricity consumption and cooling costs (fewer servers reduces the need for electricity and cooling of the system)

  • Reduced complexity and size of the network infrastructure due to the reduced number of network ports required through which servers connect to the rest of the system

  • Reduced hardware maintenance costs due to fewer critical components susceptible to failures (disks, power units, etc.)

  • Meeting green computing goals

  • Reducing costs on licenses

  • Shorter time to deliver new servers and services

  • Reduced system administration costs due to a small number of system administrators, or vice versa – increase the productivity of system administrators who in production environments cover up to 5 times more active virtual servers than physical ones

BCC Services offers server virtualization on most available hypervisors: Vmware, Citrix, Microsoft, RedHat.